
explanation animation


Energiesprong is an independent, revolutionary approach to thorough renovation and financing of the entire house. It originated in the Netherlands, but has been implemented in the UK, US, Germany, France and Canada, among others. Through branding studio Offf, we were asked to collaborate with Energiesprong for this project.


Energiesprong provides net zero energy homes, which means that they generate just as much energy as is needed for heating, hot water and the electrical appliances themselves. This is achieved by building prefab facades around the houses and providing them with modern heating technologies such as insulated roofs with solar panels, smart heating and ventilation and cooling installations. A complete renovation can be completed in less than 10 days, but will optimize climate and energy performance for up to 40 years.  

The goal

Energiesprong is a complex organization with many different cultures, active in different parts of the world with different target groups and stakeholders. These are primarily housing associations and secondary construction parties and suppliers. That is why it was important to make an animation that convinces all parties of the added value of NZE. The goal was to both get the target groups interested in NZE and get them acquainted with Energiesprong. Together with Energiesprong and Offff studio, we created a storyline that is easy to understand.

Our solution

We created an informative animation with a commercial character to convince the target group of the added value of NZE. With a design that not only fits the Energiesprong brand, but is also attractive to all parties involved.

final result

Central to the scenario is the older building where a lot of energy is consumed and wasted. For the first scenes, we created different living situations with different 3D characters and assets.


We developed the different situations from the ground up, starting with sketches and adding assets over and over again that create the look of a home.


Energiesprong is active in many different countries, that's why we provided them with various translations of the animation.

The animation was also featured in a report for PBS NewsHour, with millions of daily viewers.

Each project requires a unique approach and solution. Let's talk and discuss how we can help you!

+31 (0)10 891 0326



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